Літературознавча сесія на тему “Він більше працював, ніж жив”






  03 грудня 2014 року





On December 3, 2014 in the Pedagogical Institute, as a part of Borys Hrinchenko decade in Kyiv Borys Hrinchenko University, there was held a literary session on “He worked more than lived”, dedicated to 151st anniversary of the birth of the prominent public figure, writer, publicist, teacher, lexicographer. The purpose of the event was to popularize the works of Boris Hrinchenko and spread the information about this outstanding figure in English-language sites. Bright presentations and performances in English depicting Borys Hrinchenko’s paths of life and creative activity which were prepared by the fourth-year students specialized in “Primary school education”, which emphasized the universality and modernity of the outstanding educator’s pedagogical ideas.

The audience were presented the staging of the tale “Sirko” by Boris Hrinchenko  in the author’s translation made by the students, the video-film “My University is named after Borys Hrinchenko” was demonstrated in English,  the literary quiz “Boris Hrinchenko: known – unknown “ was held. In conclusion, students, teachers and guests sang “Hymn of the University” and the anthem “We will win” altogether.

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